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Investing in the Future

Registration for next school year is open! 

2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR

Entrance Fee

$450 - Paid by March 31st

$550 - Paid by April 1st and forward

Please note:

  • The entrance fee is non-refundable

  • Registration of re-enrollment must be complete at the time of payment


$7,875 - Annual Tuition

$6,875 - Annual Tuition for Members of Non-Constituent SDA Churches

$5,875 - Annual Tuition for Members of Supporting Constituent SDA Churches to KSDA*

Please note:

  • Tuition does not include additional trips, dues, fees, and incidentals

*Constituent Seventh-day Adventist Churches supporting KSDA School: Bellevue SDA Church, Bellevue SDA Spanish Church, Eastside SDA Fellowship, Kirkland SDA Church and Russian Center SDA Spiritual Center. 



Annual tuition charges are divided into 10 equal months billed starting in September 1 and ending in June 1.


Tuition payments are due on the 1st of every month and are considered late after the 10th of every month. A $20 late fee is charged for late payments. The NSF check charge is $30. 


Eighth-grade additional class dues are $15 per month and are billed on your statement.


  • Everett van transportation fee

  • Overnight field trips

  • Hot lunch

  • Sports participation fees

  • Sports tournament fees

  • Music tour

  • Instrument rental

  • Music lessons

  • Class trips

  • Tutoring

  • Before school

  • After school care

  • Other after-school club programs 

This list is not all-inclusive


Before-school care is $5 per day- begins at 7:30 a.m.

For more financial information, please call our office at (425) 822-7554.


There are several tuition assistance programs available to families who are members of constituent churches:

- TAP (Tuition Assistance Program)

- Student Scholarship Assistance (SSA)

- Hispanic Scholarship from Washington Conference (only six available).


A limited amount of TAP (Tuition Assistance Program) funds are available for families who qualify through the FACTS Evaluation. 


Please follow the steps outlined for any requests for tuition assistance:

1) Apply using your personal financial information on the FACTS website: (Click Puget Sound Advent Academy as the school)


This is an information gathering company we contract with that assists in rating the level of tuition assistance needed.

The cost is $35 payable to FACTS with a credit card.


***Please be aware that FACTS DOES NOT award funds.***


Once your information has been received and processed by FACTS, the school will receive a notification. This takes approximately one week, so please apply in advance of your appointment with our business manager. 

2) Complete a "Request for Tuition Assistance" form provided by your local church.

3) Schedule an appointment through the front office to meet with the business manager during July, to finalize your financial plan.

Please note:  ***Non-payment of monthly financial commitment FORFEITS ALL TAP tuition assistance for that month.***

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